All applications must be made using our on-line application form.

The funding round for 2020 opened on 1 March and applications have been extended and will now close on 1 May.

You are welcome to attach further information to support your application.

The amount of detail that you include should be proportionate to the amount of funding you are seeking. Please also refer to our Donation Guidelines for information about the criteria we apply when making decisions.

In addition to the mandatory information on the application form you may want to include some or all of the following:

  • An overview of the organisation including annual report, newsletters, etc.
  • A logic model or theory of change model to show how the inputs are expected to achieve the outcomes sought
  • A current business or strategic plan
  • A plan for evaluation of the project
  • A plan for sustainability of the project after the donation term has ended
  • Written letters of support for the proposed scheme from stakeholders / partners outside of your organisation