red heart


The Royston Health Trust provides donations and support to programmes and projects which will make a real and demonstrable difference to the health and well-being of people living in Hawke’s Bay

Applications for 2025 open on Monday 24 February and close on Friday 4 April 2024.

These guidelines are intended to assist potential donees to determine their eligibility for a donation and to decide whether or not to apply.  We fund in two ways –

We have an annual funding round for requests of up to $25,000.  The total value of this fund is decided by the trust each year, and any organisation may apply to this fund.

We also have a Partnership Funding scheme where a small number of large scale initiatives will be considered for funding each year.  Applications to this fund are accepted by invitation from the Trust only.

Donation Making Criteria

  • Does the proposal show strong evidence of partnership or collaboration with other organisations or entities?
  • Will the initiative address a significant gap in service provision?
  • Will the initiative reduce health inequalities for those at most risk of experiencing poor health outcomes?
  • Does the initiative support health literacy, health promotion or early intervention?
  • Does the proposal clearly articulate and quantify the problem or challenge that the project or programme aims to address?
  • Is the proposed initiative evidence based?
  • Does the proposal include details of how outcomes will be measured and evaluated?
  • Is the applicant a registered not for profit entity?
  • Does the proposed initiative represent value for money and have a budget that is appropriate?
  • Does the proposed initiative duplicate existing services in Hawke’s Bay?
  • Does the proposal indicate how the programme intends to be sustainable once the donation term has ended?


We do not fund the following:

  • Requests for donations to meet the needs of an individual health service consumer
  • Services that duplicate existing services or services which are seen to be primarily the responsibility of central or local Government
  • Debt/interest payments or legal fees
  • Retrospective funding for projects completed before the funding decision date
  • Projects seeking to promote religious or political objectives
  • Lobby groups
  • Social gatherings or alcohol
  • Overseas travel and accommodation for conferences/study tours/networking etc.

Application Format

Applications must be submitted using the application form which is available on our website. You are welcome to provide more detail about your project in a separate document, but you must still complete the application form.

Application Processes

1) Annual Donating Round:

Any organisation that meets our funding criteria can apply for a donation of up to $25,000 through the annual round.  Applications must be submitted in the manner specified by 4pm on the closing date.  No late applications will be considered.  Applicants will be advised of the outcome.  Approved donations will be paid by direct credit to a verified bank account.

2) Partnership Funding:

There is no annual deadline for applications to this fund.  If you have a project that meets our criteria, will deliver high impact outcomes and requires a significant level of funding, please contact Stuart Signal (Secretary) directly to discuss. Formal applications for this fund are considered by invitation only and following initial discussion with the trust.  Such applications will be reviewed as received.

Other Information:

  • Donations from the annual funding round must be used within 12 months of receipt unless a request for an extension has been received and approved at the discretion of the trust
  • All donees are expected to provide a detailed report to the trust of the use of the funds in accordance with the donation approval letter.  Failure to complete the reporting requirements may jeopardise future applications or staged payments for multi-year projects
  • The trust is not registered for GST and donations do not include any GST
  • All donation recipients should acknowledge the Royston Health Trust as a funder in their annual reports, promotional material and other communications about the initiative

Contact Details:

We invite potential applicants to contact us to ask questions and discuss their proposals.  Please contact us via email or telephone Stuart Signal on 06 878 7004 for further information.


The Royston Health Trust has limited funding at its disposal each year.  Fulfilment of the donation criteria does not guarantee that an application will be approved.  All donations are made at the sole discretion of the trust.